01 --------- THE CONFERENCE
What is the Brazilian Ethos Conference on Climate Change?
The Brazilian Conference on Climate Change is an annual meeting that will bring non-governmental organizations, social movements, governments, scientific community, private and public sector together for three days of dialogue and formulation of proposals for the implementation of the Brazilian Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
It is a collective, multisectoral and nonpartisan initiative. Its program will be based on the Brazilian NDC, Paris Agreement and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
To demonstrate that Brazilian civil society and productive sector remain firm in his intention to stay in Paris Agreement
To promote business commitments and priorities for the climate, forest and sustainable development agenda
To demonstrate Brazilian experiences, business, solutions, technologies and policies that value, integrate and advance the conquests on climate governance
02 --------- CONTEXT
In what context did the Brazilian Conference get out?
In 2018, the Brazilian government withdrew its candidacy for Brazil to host the 25th UN Climate Conference (COP-25), which would be held in 2019. The rotation of COP headquarters in the regions of the globe is a UN practice. In Brazil the ECO-92 and Rio+ 20 resulted in the elaboration and launch of the Sustainable Development Objectives. For Brazil to host the COP-25 would emphasize its international protagonism. In addition, Brazil also loses all the opportunities that a big event can generate for host venues.
The Conference has emerged as an opportunity to promote dialogue on how to take back the path of climate responsibility, participation of civil society, consolidation of internal pacts, strengthening of local programs for policy adaptation and development of the climate agenda in Brazil
As atividades que aconteceram na segunda edição
A segunda edição da CBMC foi a primeira 100% virtual e gratuita com interação direta entre palestrantes e espectadores. A conferência teve 34 atividades com a participação de 116 palestrantes e 34 mediadores. Foram 6 painéis junto com a Conferência Ethos e mais 7 em parceria com o Fórum do Clima.
atividades ao total
03 --------- SCHEDULE
Get ready to attend this great meeting!
The Brazilian Conference on Climate Change will be held on November 6th, 7th and 8th in the city of Recife in state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The programme will consist of discussion sessions, round tables, working groups, business and technology demonstrations, workshops, demonstrations of civil society initiatives; dialogue sessions of subnational governments; and deliberation assemblies.
9h00 - Terras secas na América Latina - avanços e desafios
10h10 - Desertificação no semiárido brasileiro – produção de conhecimentos e políticas públicas
11h20 - Perfil das Emissões Brasileiras de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) nas últimas três décadas
12h00 - Transição energética justa e inclusiva
13h00 - Mission-oriented innovation na prática - as contribuições da ciência aplicada para a economia de baixo carbono no Brasil
14h00 - O oceano de amanhã frente aos desafios da sua sustentabilidade hoje
15h10 - Conectando e interligando a gestão dos oceanos e zona costeira
16h20 - Sistemas alimentares e mudança do clima
18h30 - Fomentando Carreiras na Nova Economia Climática
19h40 - Da integração ESG ao investimento de impacto: o risco climático e os caminhos para o alinhamento aos objetivos do Acordo de Paris
02 --------- CONTEXT
In what context did the Brazilian Conference get out?
In 2018, the Brazilian government withdrew its candidacy for Brazil to host the 25th UN Climate Conference (COP-25), which would be held in 2019. The rotation of COP headquarters in the regions of the globe is a UN practice. In Brazil the ECO-92 and Rio+ 20 resulted in the elaboration and launch of the Sustainable Development Objectives. For Brazil to host the COP-25 would emphasize its international protagonism. In addition, Brazil also loses all the opportunities that a big event can generate for host venues.